All of our hoodies are stamped with a ‘DD’ to represent Dapper Designer. We also offer a satin lining which provides extra protection for the crown. This is just one of the ways we are invested in comfort while maintaining style and protection.
The bodice of our I ‘Heart’ Dapper Designer hoodie features a timeless design. The iconic widely used ‘I Love NY‘ was designed by Milton Glaser in 1977 in an attempt to change the image of the city and lift morale. Our spin to the logo brands it Dapper Designer. Just like Glaser in the 70’s, we want to lift morale and boast an image of pride and capability. We are invested in making a statement. You will come to find that the feel and appeal of our clothes will make you ‘heart’ Dapper Designer too!
All of our hoodies are stamped with a ‘DD’ to represent Dapper Designer. We also offer a satin lining which provides extra protection for the crown. This is just one of the ways we are invested in comfort while maintaining style and protection.